As my family has grown, our need for every day storage has grown... this means the space for a Christmas tree has greatly reduced. O-man is close to 4 but still very curious about, well, everything. These two problems were resolved the past two years by using a 4 foot tree on top of a table, aka, out of his reach and small space friendly.
But, I've been promising the girls we would use a regular size tree again this year. As I contemplated where to put our mammoth tree (artificial for us, allergies) I looked into getting a new skinnier tree. Alas, it just didn't seem worth them money, especially since what I really wanted was a flat back/half/wall tree (different places called them different names). Have you seen these things? So cool and totally space saving.
Wait a minute... my tree comes in multiple pieces, it shouldn't really matter if I use all of them, right? Well, since the tree I ultimately wanted was $400, I figured it was worth a try! Since it worked, I wish I'd taken step by step pictures. But, I didn't so I'll give you the directions.
Step 1: If your branches are not pre-sorted (thanks IronFish) from putting it away the last time, sort them by size now. In my fake tree experience, they are color coded and usually come with a diagram which basically tells you, the largest ones go on the bottom and the mini tree looking thing is the ready to go top.
Step 2: Assemble your base and center pole (we store our center pole as one piece since I wrapped extra garland around it when we first got it, otherwise it would break down into 2 pieces). Push it back into a corner or against a wall as close as it will get to the wall(s).
Step 3: Find the very bottom row where the longest branches are supposed to go. Now put those branches back in the box, and the branches of one row up also. Look at all that space you've saved already! My bottom row has a diameter of over 5 feet, not using the bottom two rows saved me 2 feet in diameter. The first branches we are going to use will be the normal 3rd row. My picture is labeled with the new rows.
Step 4: Remember that very bottom row, leave it completely empty. More space under the tree for presents (or the 3 year old playing under it). Our new bottom row is the next one up. Take those 3rd row branches, put half on the new bottom row and half on the new row 2, only on the front. Fluffing your branches as you go.
Step 5: The original 4th row branches are the new row 3, use half of your branches again on the front half. Put the rest away.
Step 6: The height of your tree will determine how many rows you have. As you move up the tree, you will be using the next size up, but only half of them. My rows 4 and 5.
Step 7: Now, my tree is pushed up against a cabinet. I did a little rearranging so we can survive the next month without accessing what is inside, it just has to be there, I have no other place for it. Since my tree is not completely against the wall, I used all the branches of rows 6 to 7, you may want to depending on how it looks.
Step 8: Put your top on and decorate!!!!!
IronFish has a system for putting the tree together. This definitely didn't follow his system, but I'm happy to say, he was very pleased that we managed to make the tree more space saving.
I know, the decorations are pretty interesting, O-man started adding his toys right away and they have just been so proud, I've let them continue to play with the tree. Christmas should be a joyful time, so if moving toys around makes them happy, I'm not going to complain:
He's most proud of this decoration:
Don't worry, it's clean, I gave in and got him his own, he invents all kinds of games with his plunger.
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Peace be with you,

I'll be linking up to some of these parties, stop by and
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M: Made by you Mondays, Made with Love Monday, Making the World Cuter, MMM @ CRAFT, Just something I whipped up, Organizing Mission Monday, Creative Me Monday, A Round Tuit, Motivate me Monday, Jam Hands, Must Try Monday T: Sew Cute Tuesday, Handmade Tuesdays, Tip Me Tuesday, TCB, Topsy Turvy Tuesdays, Take-a-Look Tuesdays, Too Cute Tuesdays, Giggles Glitz & Glam W:
We Did it Wednesday, Night Owl Crafting, Sugar & Spice, Tea Rose Home, We’re Organized Wednesday, What I Wore Wednesday, What’s Up Wednesday, Wow Me Wednesday, Share the Wealth, Real Momma Real Style, Your Whims Wednseday, Whatever Goes T: Make It Wear It, Frogs & Snails, It’s Stinkin’ Cute, Making it with Allie, Things I’ve Done, Everybody’s Creative Endeavor
F: Fun Friday Finds, Fingerprints on the Fridge, It’s a Hodgepodge, Chic on a Shoestring,
Fantastic Friday, TGIF, I’m an Organizing Junkie, Spunky Junky, The Shabby Nest, While He Was Napping, Upcycled Awesome S/S: Get Schooled Saturday,
KISS, Funky Fresh, Weekend Wrap Up, Nifty Thrifty, Creative Bloggers, Six Sisters
Hi Emily! Thanks for the visit and comment! That plunger made me laugh out loud~ that's too funny. Some kids really latch onto the strangest things sometimes. Love it! And I'm excited to by Co-hosting with you!
LOL - that plunger reminds me of my college days when my husband (then boyfriend) decorated his tree with beer bottles and a plastic colon. Boys :) Thanks for stopping by my blog - excited to co-host with you as well :)
This is HILARIOUS!!! I am your newest follower and I am excited to be co-hosting!! ;)
Wow, I literally did lol when I saw the plunger! Boys will be boys... Hehe New follower and co-host with you! :)
OH. EM. GEE. The toilet plunger ornament totally had me snickering over here! I'm a fellow co-hoster of Creating Christmas. Can't wait to see what else you have planned for us this week!!!
Hahaha! SO much fun!!! I'm excited to follow your Christmas Creating Party!!! I'm your newest follower and would love for you to stop by for a visit and follow me, too!
Aimee from
This is hysterical!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I don't think i will look at a plunger the same way ever again! lol!!!! so happy to be co-hosting with you and...i am your newest follower : ) hugs and i hope that the little one feels better SOON!
Don't let my boyfriend see this! I'll need another tree just for plungers. Thanks for sharing! I'm your newest follower and cohosting with you
That plunger is cracking me up! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Emily, What a totally cute idea!
I'm your newest follower
Beth @
Check out todays post from Jen from I Can't Stop Crafting!
Great idea!
Love your tree and the interesting decorations!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Haha! Cute! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!
Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear
Totally cracking up! That plunger is hilarious
Don't forget to link up to win the Eureka Vacuum and Kindle Fire at "The Sits Girls!!" I am grateful to be a fellow crafter in Creating Christmas, just thought you might like a chance to win big for being oh so fabulous. :)
Hi there, love your tree andyour fun decorations. Thanks for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you. Please pop on over and visit me also and perhaps you would like to follow me. I would love that. Hugs, Chris
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