

Crafterbowl at the Pinkapotamus

I'm so excited to be participating in the Crafterbowl over at the Pinkapotamus this week.  This means I'm tasking you to vote for me in TWO contests this week!

First, go vote for my shower curtain turned Easter dresses over at The T-Shirt Diaries, you can vote once every 24 hours through Friday... it's a very close race!!!!
Next, check out my Crafterbowl entry... our secret ingredient was FRAMES!  I took this as the perfect opportunity to do something I've wanted to do for a while... Make a memory wall for my girls' room.

I started with tons of thrift store frames, all with texture, some were insanely ugly, but had great texture and since each was $1 or less, it was worth it.  
Spray paint, spray paint, spray paint... and then a bit more if need be...
I used several colors of paint I had on hand that accented the girls' room.  Once they were painted and dried, I used left over cork place mats to fill the frames, since the cork was thin, I doubled it up.
Trace the size of the frame before cutting the cork.  
I love the way the textures really showed through as a solid color.  Hanging them up was the most expensive part of the project... I used command strips, but they are totally worth it (no paid endorsement there, I just think they are awesome).
My girls are getting older and have been wanting their room to grow up a bit (but they still aren't ready for me to paint out all my hard work, good thing since I'm not ready either).  This enables them to hang up their art work, pictures of friends or other memories and change them whenever they want!

Now, GO VOTE!!!

Peace be with you,

1 comment:

Show a girl some love!