

Jumping on the Band Wagon... or Leader of the Pack?

I know we've all seen the simplicity of sweater sleeves turned into leg warmers lately.  The other day when I was wasting time on Pinterest, I saw a few more cute ones and thought, I need to get some sweaters to do this with.   A little while later, it dawned on me... I have a box labeled "Sweater Parts"...

Now, where did I put that and what is in it?

Turns out:
About 10 sweater sleeves!  Plus, I actually serged all the ends before packing them away... I should have labeled the box "Leg Warmers" since I didn't need to do anything to them... well, some the thread is really obvious (ie, the red ones there) so I need to fold that under and hem it.

And now a random picture my son says has to be next:
I've been busy making lots of hats for the etsy shop, O-man said I had to put this picture of he and "Georgia" in... "Right der, Ommy"... between his coughing and stuffy nose...

So, while I was going to jump on the band wagon and make myself some leg warmers, I should have put these on instead of putting them in the box and I would have been leading the pack!
Guess it's a good thing, since at this rate, I'm never going to get to crocheting or knitting the chunky, funky pattern I drew up... well, maybe by next July!

Peace be with you,

I'll be linking up to some of these parties, stop by and check out the talent!


  1. This "stuffy nose" posting Completely useful..good source, thanks anyway!

  2. What a cute photo of the hats! Great legwarmers too!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Leg warmers! Who knew they would be back in such style. I love it! Thank you so much for sharing it at


Show a girl some love!